Category Archives: Ride Blogs

Read the latest Ride Blogs

Da Claggy Thriller

Early morning to boat on a Wednesday – with the race not until the Saturday! So why so early in the week to travel? Steampacket timetable, that’s why. Ireland must be the most inaccessible places to land! So into Belfast we went a few days ahead of Da Cooley Thriller, a MTB XC marathon of some 52km in the Cooley Mountains County Louth.

Why not click HERE to read more.

Thursday Night Fun

Riders – Coops, Pete, John N and Foxdale

The ride started at the Cat with no Tail, Skippy was there to wave us off before he had a critical decision to make Chinese or Chippy for tea. John was worried that his tire had more cracks than a Dandara house, Coops decided to take the full suss out which apparently is terry nappy white rather than the porno powder blue hardtail.

We set of towards the Clypse reservoir where at the last gate Bazaar (tart) the human wind farm was there mending a puncture, he was just finishing his ride from Laxey where he had been checking on the ‘good ship lollipop’, Bazaar suggested a couple of routes we could go on, we promptly told him to ‘feck off’ and he set off on his way.

Onwards up Honey hill which is always a delight and on into Conrhenny; we stuck to the fire tracks as it was too gloopy in the trees. After a game of trying to lose Pete we headed to Baroose, Coops went first but me and Pete were all over him like a rash on a mad dogs bollocks, he tried every trick to shake us off making sure brambles hit us in the face, he resorted to throwing tacks giving me a puncture, tactic last used in the Tour de France where the custard bus was seen.

I gave the 3 reprobates a lesson on a speedy tube change, they seemed impressed as they gave applause and cheered ‘about feckin time’ (note Coops, dry warm night, not a cold lashing down winters night with no shelter). An uneventful ride back to the Cat for a pint, were Coops yet again tried to cheat at a pub quiz.


The return of Hooperman! The Hooperman side!

Read the latest Ride Blog by Sinbad and see just what he and Seamus got up to on Sunday.

As I had a semi free pass for the weekend, I decided to fit in some yakking on the Sat night and a ride on Sunday, with the offer of Mr Shea to join me we decided to have a little pootle and a pub stop.

Seamus arrived at mine just before 13:00 and the sun was cracking the flags. We decided to head out towards Conrhenny via honey hill so I could show Seamus the work completed on the Saturday morning. Honey hill was a nice climb to get the legs going especially with DUST!!! Why not click HERE to read more.

The return of Hooperman!

Read the latest Ride Blog by Hamish and see just what he and Sinbad got up to on Sunday.

To miss riding out on such a beautiful day and with near perfect conditions would have been remiss, let alone a crime of scandalous proportions! So it was a meet up at Sinbad’s and off the two of us went. Usual warm up road section up to Clypse and on up the saturating and ever changing topography of Honey Hill – The aim was… Why not click HERE to read more.

18 went out, 15 came back!

Read the latest Ride Blog by Foxdale and see just what the boys got up to on Thursday night.

The ride started at St Johns (Home turf for the Loaghtans). Once all the runners and riders were ready the 18 of us set off like the start of the Grand National (some of them were past their sell by date and should be at the glue factory). Why not click HERE to read more.

That eternal question “where were you when…..”

Read the latest Ride Blogs by Onchan and see just what the boys got up to on Tuesday night.

What happened; Firstly it was Coops what done it; I’ve said it and it’s out; impeach me if you must, just don’t make me ride those steps again.

The Flock met at the Cat; some regulars missing, and a guest appearance by the Hobbit. Coops had a plan to ride uphill into every headwind going. So we set off into a headwind towards the Clypse.  Why not click HERE to read more.