Tag Archives: Longest Day

Social Rides Week Commencing 14th January

Hi All,
This week how about…..
Date : Tuesday 15th January
Time : 6.45pm
Venue : Union Mills Industrial Estate, opposite Spar.
Date : Thursday 17th January
Time : 6.45pm
Venue : Farmers Arm’s car park, St.Johns
Let me know either way if you intend to join us.
Just so we don’t miss anybody, and get cold standing around.
Coops contact Tel: 481793
Look forward to see you out on the trails.

Social Rides Week Commencing 7th January

Hi All,
After last Thursday social ride, where we had 25 riders;
Lets try and keep it up.
How about…..
Date : Tuesday 8th January
Venue : Highwayman pub car park, Peel
Time : 6.45pm
Date : Thursday 10th January
Venue : NSC car park (Groves road, near Dominos pizza)
Time : 6.45pm
Let me know either way if you intend to join us.
Just so we don’t miss anybody, and get cold standing around.
Coops contact Tel: 481793
Look forward to seeing you out on the trails.

Many hands…

This morning (Saturday) saw a group of fellow mtbers meet up at Conrhenny for some trail building.  Once the plans were discussed with the troops we all set to work and it wasn’t too long before we could really see the new boardwalk taking shape.  A short break for a spot of lunch, hot soup and hot dogs were on site but due to a small technical fault with the cooking facilities we had to resort to Costa tea, coffee and chip rolls, thanks to Clare, Sue and Phyllis for being dinner ladies.

So after 4 hours work we finished the two new sections of boardwalks and we would like to pay a huge thanks to those people for turning out to lend a hand, just goes to show that many hands truly do make light work!

Sheep Tails – Issue 6

The latest issue of ‘Sheep Tails Issue 6‘ is available to download .  If you have subscribed through the website you should get the latest edition direct to your mailbox.

For previous editions of Sheep Tails please click on the relevant link below.

Sheep Tails Issue 1

Sheep Tails Issue 2

Sheep Tails Issue 3

Sheep Tails Issue 4

Sheep Tails Issue 5

If you fancy yourself as a bit of a writer, chef, wine or beer connoisseur we’d like to hear from you so please get in touch.

Cat gets the Trophy!

Pictured below at her home in ‘V2 Gym‘ is Cat(reena) Quirk (nee Price) holding her long awaited but well deserved Longest Day, Longest Ride Female Solo Winners Trophy, beautifully handcrafted by our one and only, trophy miester, Dave ‘Mr Foxdale’ Newsham. Well done Cat, two years on the run, can you make it a third in 2013?

Club Kit

We had a club meeting Tuesday night at Seamus’ house (thank you for the hospitality and Stevio for the extra biscuits) and among other things discussed whether people wanted to order any of the new Green kit?
A few people asked whether it was still possible to get the original Green kit and this is being sourced as I type.  So in anticipation that we can still get the original Green kit below are the styles, designs and colours soon to be available to buy.
Also below is the sizing guide for these jerseys, all will be MTB cut and mens sizes only* and the new club Buff.
If you would like to order any of the Loaghtan Loaded club kit please drop Gadge and E-mail (gadge@loaghtanloaded.com) stating which style, colour, size and quantity you would like.  Jersey costs are approximately £40** and Buffs are approximately £15**
* Child sizes are available upon request (we require chest size and child’s age)
** Price depends on quantity we order.
Original Green Cycle Jersey (3 pockets and hidden zip)

New Green Cool-Max Cycle T-Shirt (no pockets or zip)

New Green Cycle Jersey (3 pockets and hidden zip)

Mens Size Chart

New Buff