Tag Archives: V2 Gym

Social Rides Week Commencing 7th January

Hi All,
After last Thursday social ride, where we had 25 riders;
Lets try and keep it up.
How about…..
Date : Tuesday 8th January
Venue : Highwayman pub car park, Peel
Time : 6.45pm
Date : Thursday 10th January
Venue : NSC car park (Groves road, near Dominos pizza)
Time : 6.45pm
Let me know either way if you intend to join us.
Just so we don’t miss anybody, and get cold standing around.
Coops contact Tel: 481793
Look forward to seeing you out on the trails.

New Years Social Ride – Thursday 3rd

Hi All,
May I take this opportunity to wish everybody a Happy New Year, all the best for 2013.
I take it, like myself, some of you may have put on a few pounds over the Festive period.
So how about a gentle social ride, to break us all back into the swing of things…….
Date : Thursday 3rd January 2013
Venue : Cat with no Tail car park
Time : 6.45pm
Let me know either way if you intend to join me / us……
Also if you require a lift, get in touch.
All the best wishes.
Look forward to see you out on the trails.

Sheep Tails – Issue 7

The latest issue of ‘Sheep Tails Issue 7‘ is available to download .  If you have subscribed through the website you should get the latest edition direct to your mailbox.
For previous editions of Sheep Tails please click on the relevant link below.
Sheep Tails Issue 1
Sheep Tails Issue 2
Sheep Tails Issue 3
Sheep Tails Issue 4
Sheep Tails Issue 5
Sheep Tails Issue 6
If you fancy yourself as a bit of a writer, chef, wine or beer connoisseur we’d like to hear from you so please get in touch.

Social Rides Week Commencing 17th December

Hi All,
Not long till Christmas, then we can start to enjoy the coming of the New Year.
To help us all get into the Christmas spirit, how about……….
I’ve heard that there is a social ride that ends up at the Baltic pub in Foxdale, for Christmas carol’s etc……(and beer)
I know that there will be a group leaving from the NSC at 6.30pm on the Wednesday 19th.
So I’m proposing to cycle into St.Johns, then head up 7 gates into Archy for a play, then head over to the Baltic, to join in the fun and BEER.
Date : Wednesday 19th December
Time : 6.45pm
Venue : Farmers Arms car park, St.Johns
And how about
Date : Thursday 20th December
Time : 6.45pm
Venue : Cat with no Tail pub car park
If you are up for any of the rides, or may need a lift for the thursday night ride, then please get in touch.
Either way let me know if your riding or not, so we’re not waiting around.
Look forward to seeing a few out on the trails, and sampling some ales.

Social Rides Week Commencing 10th December

Hi All,
Another week closer to Christmas, and plenty of Christmas parties happening.
So we should all be out burning of those extra calories, from excessive beer and food.
So how about……
Date : Tuesday 11th December
Venue : Farmers Arms car park, St.Johns
Time : 6.45pm
Route : 7-gates, archie, stoney track, SB, corlea, whiskey run, pipeline, arrasey, barnell
Date : Thursday 13th December
Venue : Cat with no Tail car park, Douglas
Time : 6.45pm
Route : TBC
If you require a lift or directions, please get in touch.
Please let me know either way if you can attend or not, just so we’re not waiting around.
Look forward to seeing some of you out on the trails.