Tag Archives: Charity

Social Rides Week Commencing 13th May

Hi All,
Now that we’re back from this years Tour.
How about a couple of social rides, to blow of the dust from Cannock Chase.
Date : Tuesday 14th May
Time : 18.30pm
Venue : Crosby playing fields
(Seamus has volunteered to trail lead for tonight)
Date : Thursday 16th May
Time : 18.30 – 18.45pm
Venue : NSC car park, swimming pool side, Groves Road, Douglas.
I’ll not be out for these rides (training for the Parish walk) Sorry.
If you would like to trail lead for the Thursday ride please get in touch or make yourself known on the night.

Social Rides Week Commencing 22nd April

Hi All,
Sorry but I’m away this week, so I won’t be riding.
Dave (Foxdale) will trail lead for the Tuesday ride.
If you would like to Trail Lead any other day, please let me know, so I can arrange etc……
So how about,
Date : Tuesday 23rd April
Time : 6.30-6.45pm
Venue : Farmers Arms car park, St.Johns
If you require a lift, please get in touch, so we can sort something out.
Please let Dave know if you are coming along to join them, just so they’re not waiting around.
See you all when I get back.

Social Rides Week Commencing 15th April

Hi All,
Sorry about the lack of LL social rides recently.
So how about this :
Date : Tuesday 16th April
Time : 6.30 pm
Venue : Crosby playing fields.
We are going to join up with Mad Manx Cow and her usual crowd.
Rachel will have made cakes and refreshments for afterwards. ( All welcome )
Date : Thursday 18th April
Time : 6.30 pm
Venue : Cat with No Tail car park, Douglas.
If you require a lift, please get in touch, so we can sort something out.
Please let me know if you are coming along to join us, just so we’re not waiting around.
Look forward to seeing you out on the trails.
Ps. Don’t forget to to show your support to the Longest Day, Longest Ride 24Hr Charity MTB Endurance event and register your place at www.ldlr.im

Trails Update

Looking down towards the last real turn on the new Phase 2 boardwalks.  For a short walked video of this section so far, check out the video on YouTube
A big thanks to;
Dave, Sinbad, Coops, Cam, Shaun, Dave Reilly and Dave Briggs for their help today.

Important Tour Meeting

Hi all, its getting close to the Tour.
I propose we have a meeting, to bring everybody upto date.  So this Thursday night 11th April, 7pm Steam Packet building, waiting area, near WHSmith.

Look forward to seeing you all there.
Coops (481793)

P.S. Let me know if you can or can’t attend.

Trails Update

After a week of snow which stopped play last weekend, Sinbad and Gadge were determined to get up to Conrhenny and continue with the trail work currently being done to extend Phase 2 boardwalks…