Tag Archives: windy

Social Rides Week Commencing 29th October

Hi All,

With the nights drawing in, and losing a hour of daylight, the autumn / winter rides are upon us.
So it’s time to break out the thermals and winter riding gear and have the lights on charge.

So how about a few rides……

Tuesday 30th October

Venue : Cat with no Tail car park
Time : 6.45pm
Route : Clypse, Honeyhill, Conrhenny (try out the new bits of board-walk), Barroose, etc………Or we could head up the Windy Corner track…..

Thursday 1st November

Venue : NSC (swimming pool car park)
Time : 6.45pm
Route : ? (we’ll make something up)

Let me know if you can make any of the rides, either way.
If I’ve missed anybody of the mailing list, please let them know.
My contact : 481793


Blown more times than Hugh Grant!

Read the latest Ride Blog by Foxdale and see just what the boys have been up to.

“We met at The Highwayman for tonight’s event, much to Skippy’s annoyance we rode past every takeaway in Peel, the aroma of chips soon disappeared as we began to climb up Peel Hill, Skippy looked back one last time at the Chippy with a tear in his eye.” Click HERE to read more.