Introductory Discount

Introductory membership discount for club members
A benefit of our club’s affiliation is that club members can get up to £15 off membership when they join British Cycling for the first time.
How it works
Club members who have not yet joined British Cycling will get their introductory discount when they use the club promotion codes to join online.
Race Bronze
Race Silver
Race Gold
£Free (normally £15) use code
£23 (normally £38) use code
 £51 (normally £66) use code
£14 (normally £28) use code
compare all of their membership packages
If you need any assistance, don’t hesitate to contact the British Cycling team:

Trail Building Evenings

With just 34 days until the event there is still plenty to do up at Conrhenny and the plan is to get up to the plantation on as many evening and weekends as possible to ensure we have a fighting chance of finishing the work to make the course more sustainable.  If you can spare an hour or two of an evening or weekend please get in touch with either myself (Gadge 453016) or Sinbad (435625) as the more people we get the quicker the work will be done.
Many thanks in advance.

Social Rides Week Commencing 13th May

Hi All,
Now that we’re back from this years Tour.
How about a couple of social rides, to blow of the dust from Cannock Chase.
Date : Tuesday 14th May
Time : 18.30pm
Venue : Crosby playing fields
(Seamus has volunteered to trail lead for tonight)
Date : Thursday 16th May
Time : 18.30 – 18.45pm
Venue : NSC car park, swimming pool side, Groves Road, Douglas.
I’ll not be out for these rides (training for the Parish walk) Sorry.
If you would like to trail lead for the Thursday ride please get in touch or make yourself known on the night.