07/04/2015 – Clear up top, lets do the coastal path (Kerruish is clear up top)

Riders :- Numerous riders that won’t be out again if Coops and Kerruish are!

The starting point for tonight’s ride was the NSC/Quarter bridge, within a minute of setting off Coops went the wrong way nearly joining the kiddies race on the NSC track, Ned was leading the Peleton as it went past.

Through Douglas golf club and up the Middle farm track, a nice climb ruined only by the tyres dumped by Kerruish half way up. At the top a right turn up Crogga which can only be described as a shite climb.

Things took a turn for the worse as Kerruish seemed to alter the route which goes against all club rules. First through Eairy Veg which is just shite, then through someone’s garden and on to the coastal footpath. Bearing in mind the coast has been cloaked in fog for two days it was a strange choice…..what could go wrong. The one advantage was that the fog was that thick you couldn’t see how far you’d fall. Nothing gets your attention better than getting your bib tights stuck on the saddle doing a steep descent with a 50 foot drop just inches away.

After what seemed like 38 stiles and gates we arrived at the next joyous section ‘the mud fest’. This bit takes you through where all the cows gather to plan and plot, the mud is bottomless and soon doubles the size of your tyres. By now no one was talking to Kerruish, he was as popular as a swinger with a STD. At this point tumbleweed rolled past as Coops was astounded by the discovery that bridges can be made of metal……He makes Kerruish seem intelligent at times…………’You can’t teach stupid’.

Round the back of the Airport, which was eerie, being able to hear the planes but not see them with the fog, the drone got louder and louder as Coops caught us up.

A quick road ride through Hogwarts and onto the Silverburn trail and yet more stiles and gates. We walked the next section as you’re not allowed to ride it. I turned off up the Bhudda Trail while the rest headed back to Douglas still not speaking to Kerruish.


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Beer! Do bears poop in the woods? Barry Does!